
Some new paintings. The top one is about Zina, the 2nd about Lindsey Pack and the 3rd about Kate Finlinson.


Patricia said...

ash mae! i love your art! all the time!!

Lindsey P said...

oh my gosh! I was so excited to see my name. your paintings are so wonderful, I love that one is about me!!!!

zlb said...

you are a dream my dear. i hiked up bill allred canyon today and thought of you and the time we did. come visit soon? can i buy that painting about me cause i love it so?

hillary and britton said...

Zina Bennion?
very cool.

greg said...

hey ash, these are great, your paintings just keep getting better, though I like them all anyway.

Unknown said...

oh these are so gorgeous! if i could marry them i would.

Chris Almond said...

Those are cool. In what way are they about the people they are about? Or is it more of an emotional thing, that cannot be articulated? remember when you said you liked my art because it reminded you of your own? that was lol. But i was happy to hear it, because i really like your art.