These are the bikes we ride. I need to take initiative and ride it more, I was so good for awhile, and then I just got lazy, or spring turned into a freeze fest.

This is our garden. Looks pretty pathetic, I know. The wild pack of cats in our back yard have taken to it and it's been so cold, I think everything froze. I think we're going to try starting again.

This is Carl cleaning out our fridge. Does being an adult mean that you know how to get things out of there before they are a puff of mold? If so, I've failed.

This is my car after the beehive bazaar. It was so fun, as usual. They were so many great handmade goods. The best part was trading with the vendors after the show. Raquel made this awesome fish clutch that is a June Sucker, and Colt Bowden made the letterpress prints in the box.

This is our new pet sheep. Actually, it's just the clothes of a friend sheep that lives down by the lake. She lent me her coat so that I could clean it, dye it, card it and turn it into things like yarn and felted baby rattles for friends. We're actually just letting air out on the lawn before we clean it. I forgot it was in the back of my car and it started to smell like farm real bad. My mom was greatly concerned when she drove it home from work and went to great lengths to get all of my soccer equipment out of the backseat and was perplexed when the smell perpetuated. Sorry mom, you sure are a trooper, that is why I love you always, happy mother's day.
happy mothers' day to you ash! you are a mother of love, creation, and such kind acts. all children love you, including my own. love you ash!
Lovely. And look at all that wool you have! If you want some company and some help while you clean and card it, I'm your girl.
I didn't know you knew how to clean, dye, cart, and spin wool. I have attempted the spinning part but would really like to learn the whole process, can I watch while you work on that?
Also, I'm planning to have a taffy pulling party sometime soon. Let me know if you want in.
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